Hello. My name is Tyler. I am a sophmore at St. Francis High School. I live in Humphrey, Ne. The poplulation is only about 800 people. Even though it is a small town, it is a fun and safe place to live. St. Francis is a D-1 class school, and rising. I participate in Football, and have lettered in Wrestling, Track, and Speech.
I enjoy working with computers and wish to pursue a job with computers and wish to pursue a job dealing with computers some day. In my free time I enjoy playing computer games, golf, making web pages, Taekwondo, collecting baseball cards, and playing the piano.
I am an honor band student with the Humphrey Band. I have been a stagehand for a couple of plays put on by our school. I helped wire my school for the Internet, and am a member of the Humphrey Youth Council, Teens For Life, and the Student Council. I am the Sophmore class President, and was elected Sophmore class attendant at our school's Homecoming. I also am an honor role student and maintain an A average.